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As a future teacher, I have a humanistic mindset.  I believe that the job of a teacher is to help students reach their fullest potential. Students are inherently good and want to learn and it is our job to bring that out of them and to keep that love of learning. It is important to let students do as they want, by doing this they are learning responsibility. They learn that all the choices they make have consequences.


    Think of teachers being like artists. Amazing artists create with their heart, emotion, and they learn from their past work. The students are the masterpieces that the artists is creating. They know about their craft and what each masterpiece needs to be the best it can be. Like artists teachers are able to put a part of themselves into their masterpieces and learn more about their art work everyday.


“They may forget what you said but they will not forget how you made them feel.” - Carl W Buechner

Although teachers must teach the curriculum students need to know, their job is so much more than this. Teachers shape students hearts and are someone that can they can go to when in need of inspiration. Teachers are the first mentors students have and for this they will always have a huge impact on students.  

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